Spirit Health - Spirit Digital

Spirit Health - Spirit Digital


Spirit Digital is a huge leap to replace from the old monolith multi-award-winning Clinitouch platform connects patients and clinicians through virtual wards and remote patient monitoring system.

Spirit Digital backend was redesign and upgrade to micro-services where more clients are now able to connect from any platform available using the latest technology available.

As a senior backend developer. I was exposed and help develop the following services:

  • SpiritDigital.Service.CtvFat - the fat controller api, containing most of API endpoint available to front-ends
  • SpiritDigital.Service.Blueprint - This service is the template from which all other c# dotnet 5 applications should be built. This is a work in progress and will continue to evolve as and when we add new functionality that is common to the micro-service ecosystem.
  • SpiritDigital.Service.Audit - This service pulls audit events from RabbitMQ and publishes them to a local elastic server, it also offers an http endpoint that allows an audit event to be pushed to elastic.
  • SpiritDigital.Service.Activation - this service is responsible for handling account activation
  • SpiritDigital.Service.Access - for the access service. This is a utility on top of Spirit's RBAC solution. The main functionality is currently handled by KeyCloak
  • SpiritDigital.Package.Logging - standardizes logging for our back end services, this also wraps audit and notification for error reporting purposes
  • SpiritDigital.Service.ClinicianValidation - service dedicated for validating clinicians
  • SpiritDigital.Service.ElasticDataGatherer - service for Elastic data search and data gathering
  • SpiritDigital.Service.FHIREngine - provides class models for FHIR data model using POCO, Rest client for working with FHIR-compliant servers
  • SpiritDigital.Service.FHIRHose - The purpose of this service is to provide REST access to legacy data in a sql server database. This service uses MassTransit library to consume messages from RabbitMq
  • SpiritDigital.Service.Notification - this service is responsible for sending content via sms and email.
  • SpiritDigital.Service.PatientHistory - this service is for patient history
  • SpiritDigital.Service.PatientValidation - service dedicated for validating patients
  • SpiritDigital.Service.Provider - service supplies information to the mobile application
  • SpiritDigital.Service.QuestionSet - service supplies question sets for patients
  • SpiritDigital.ThirdParty.KeyCloak - for our own prebaked version of KeyCloak with inbuilt theming
  • SpiritDigital.ThirdParty.RabbitMQ - for our own prebaked version of RabbitMQ for spirit digital consumption
  • SpiritDigital.ThirdParty.SqlServer - for our own test version of sql server with a CliniTouchVie image neatly wrapped in
  • SpiritDigital.Tools.DotnetSdkWithMono - for our own prebaked version of Dotnet SDKs with Mono
  • Infrastructure - for infrastructure components. This contains all our infrastructure as code and handy snippets for demonstration and debugging